After a week with single digit temps, it was good to get out with my family to take a walk outside. Where I am, there remains a lot of snow and ice which looks more dirty than anything and is in the process of melting. Of course, I had a Patrick Valenza's Deviant Moon tarot deck with me to accompany us on our walk with the added noise of two teenagers asking, "What is she doing?", while letting out exasperated sighs and leaving me behind because they were in a hurry for no reason! I told them not to worry because I knew they wouldn't leave me and I could always catch up! I enjoy slowly walking as I take the time to look at my environment with a deck in hand, letting my thoughts wonder until I come across something that inspires a question.
This statue caught my eye because it is chaos given form. I like abstract art because it is open to multiple interpretations and allows one's imagination to make what we see into the meaning we assign to it. I saw movement with various human forms woven throughout (especially noticeable at the base of the statue, middle). This statue made me think of condemnation, climbing without having a clear vision of where one is going, and conflict with others and one's environment. To rise above a disorganized, chaotic setting, I asked, "How do I rise above chaos and obtain grounding/being centered?".
I drew the Knight of Cups. I really like how the statue and card are looking at each other in the picture above. It is all about finding commonality with others. That, and it is about being around other people who are good for our overall well-being. It is important to note that it is good to ask for help sometimes because we cannot solve all problems on our own. I continued my walk when I encountered a concrete base which used to have a cool statue of a woman with propellers as wings that is no longer there. I asked, "What is missing that I need to be aware of?".
I really like the swirls in the concrete with this picture. Note the body language: The Emperor's body is facing toward the left (referencing the past) when he is pointing and looking forward to the future. Even though I am not big on the whole, "New Year New You" concept, maybe I do need to think about goal setting and consistency with those goals. I definitely see more walks with my Tarot deck in hand in the future! I feel closest to God when I am out in the woods in His creation. I feel at peace on a spiritual level when I am moving my body which is good for my physical health (a win-win). I continued my walk and encountered another statue.
This statue looks like one big, tangled mess. Honestly, the world feels uncertain to me right now. With the news showing images of ICE trying to raid an elementary school in Chicago and videos with people being turned away at the American border to Mexico, I feel sad for the people who immigrated to our Country seeking a better, safer life for themselves and their families. There is so much ugliness in the world right now. I hope and pray we are not approaching another Holocaust situation (as I think of the willfully ignorant Elon Musk and his Nazi salute at the President's inauguration). I asked, "How do I undo this mess?".
We must be the light in the darkness. What struck me was that this was the Page from the same suit as the Knight from the chaotic statue. However, it took a bit of a different meaning with the bronze statue it rested upon with the sunlight hitting it. I thought of the light and warmth from the sun. Like the sun, love, compassion, and kindness go a long way. I choose love, warmth, and illumination from meeting others where they are and showing kindness. What shines through the ugliness and darkness is the light. I continued my walk and came across a tree with red berries.
This is how the world feels to me right now. We are living in The Tower. There are events in our world that are beyond our control and the fruits are not good. It is uncertain how long we will collectively be living in The Tower. However, I do know the beauty in this card is rebuilding from the ashes and rubble left after the storm. I hope we leave a world that is tolerable of others for our kids and their kids to live in (not one with intolerance). Ever since President Trump came back into his role, it has been a succession of negative changes that have left our world in a state of upheaval. Obviously, I am not a supporter of his nor will I ever be. I cannot support someone with so much hate in their heart for others. I continued my walk. I came across a tree with a cool opening in its trunk. I thought of the tree's roots and what grounds the tree and makes it strong. Seeking strength in these uncertain times, I asked, "How do I best find stability for my roots right now?".
I drew the 9 of Wands. With how the central figure is sitting still with their head down with the warmth from their fire nearby, I thought of how cool it looked sitting within the bark of this tree which looked a bit like a cave in the background. I feel like is is a nod to being still and quiet. It is a good thing to be alone sometimes with our thoughts and just rest. Our problems (the wands in the background) are not going anywhere. However, we can step away at least for a little while to disconnect and center.
I didn't draw a card by this statue but did snag a picture of it. Just like the girl with her trusty pet alongside her, we all are really trying to guide our theoretical ships through the murky waters and to find the correct way on our life's journey. Based on the variable winds which offsets our course, we eventually find our way through the chaos as we lean into the light, illumination, and warmth of the sun.
Feeling all the Feels,
The Crow Lady